Noobs vs. Leets
DATE: September 2013
ROLE: Research, Art, & Animation
TEAM: Jan Plass, Nik Hajny, Mel Biles
Noobs vs. Leets is an ongoing game project designed by NYU’s CREATE Lab to teach young learners about concepts in math and geometry. While it’s at heart an educational game, the main purpose of Noobs vs. Leets is to be used as a research tool, to better understand how gameplay variables can be tweaked to improve learning and play experiences. The goal of the game is to open new pathways for the player-character by using geometric rules to solve angles. Meanwhile, embedded data-collection tools, video recordings, surveys, and other research tools collect data on learner interactions. Click here to read more about Noobs vs. Leets or search for more information on the NYU CREATE website.
It should be said that Noobs vs. Leets existed long before my involvement in development. The game is a product of many hardworking researchers, programmers, and designers. Below, you can find various game assets and backgrounds I was involved in creating during my time at CREATE Labs, as well as an introductory video created for the narrative:
Video 01: Intro Animation
Image Gallery 01: Artwork and Game Assets